What is the h-index?
H-index is a marker used to measure your scientific "impact" using citations as the most important driving force. H-index is equalvalent to the number h articles that have been cited at least h times. So, if you have 5 articles that have been cited at least 5 or more times, your h-index is 5. If you have 40 articles that have been cited at least 40 times, your h-index is 40. So, I have about 20 articles but only 8 have been cited at least 8 times, so my h-index is 8. Makes sense?
Why should you care?
You should care because many institutions are using the h-index as a variable to allocate resources. At UCLA, for example, h-index is being considered for allocating space for faculty and for academic promotion!
How do you find your h-index:
- The easiest way is to create a profile on Google Scholar.
- Google Scholar will walk you through a series of steps regarding your publications.
- Then, viola, Google Scholar will generate h-index.
Additional Reading / Resources:
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